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Technický seminář Freescale 2008 - Freescalle microcontrollers - Brno

Středa, 23. Duben 2008

Freescalle Semiconductors si vas dovoluje poznat na technický seminář o mikroprocesorech Freescale který se koná 23.4.2008 v Brně

In addition to the standard literature package and Special Edition of CodeWarrior Development Tool for HC(S)08 6.1, each participant will also receive the discount voucher for purchasing any of the selected demonstration boards.

Time Description
09:00 ? 09:30 Registration
09:30 ? 09:50 Introduction of Freescale Semiconductor
09:50 ? 10:50 Field-Oriented Motor Control Techniques - Servo Drive Demonstration
10:50 ? 11:10 Coffee break
11:10 ? 11:50 8/16-Bit Microcontrollers for Embedded Applications
11:50 ? 12:30 32-Bit Microprocessors for Industrial Applications
12:30 ? 13:30 Lunch
13:30 ? 14:10 i.MX Freescale Embedded ARM9/ARM11 Processors
14:10 ? 14:40 Analog Products ? Body Controller Reference Design
14:40 ? 15:10 Sensor Products ? E-Field Lighting Controlled Reference Design
15:10 ? 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 ? 16:10 PowerQuicc? Processors for Networking and Communication Applications
16:10 ? 16:40 CodeWarrior? and Processor Expert Tutorial - Programming Flexis Microcontrollers
16:40 ? 17:00 Wireless Communication Tutorial ? ZSTAR3 Sensing Triple Axis Reference Design
17:00 ? 17:20 MCF5235 ColdFire? Driven Robot Reference Design
17:20 ? 17:30 Freescale Online services
17:30 ? 17:45 Closing seminar & questions

Registrace ZDE